About olosim.net

The aim of the authors of olosim.net is to make simulation more accessible. The website olosim.net has just been started. More content is to come.


When one carries out simulations in an engineering context, one tries to simulate the behaviour of a system under certain conditions. The types of simulations one can carry out are very diverse, fluid flows, chemical reactions and the deformation of structures to and beyond the point of failure are just a few examples.


When choosing a programming language it is worth looking at which languages are most popular and in which areas they are used. It often comes down to using the right tool for the right job.

The TIOBE index graph, showing the popularity of various programming languages. (By MediaNik - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikipedia)


Python is great for getting people interested in programming without them becoming overwhelmed by technical details. The easiest way to start using Python is to download Anaconda. Python is an interpreted language and therefore if the author uses a simple text editor they will not be aware of mistakes in the code until the program is run. Python is also very forgiving with respect to poor formatting, which means that Python code from beginners is often difficult to read.

The most accepted style guideline for Python is PEP-8. For learning PEP-8 by example this cheatsheet is useful. For people new to Python it is helpful to use an IDE-editor because mistakes in the code and non-PEP-8-conform code will be highlighted as the person types. IDE-editors also provide suggestions for fixing problematic code and information regarding the Python language. Two commonly used IDE-editors are Visual Studio Code and PyCharm. An alternative is VSCodium which "is a community-driven, freely-licensed binary distribution of Microsoft’s editor VS Code."

Aside from the tutorials and examples in the official Python documentation a helpful website is python-course.eu. (also available in German) For more advanced Python users it is worth taking a look at the Google Python Style Guide.


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